Thursday, February 10, 2011

I'm Riding Solo

It’s a new year and I figured why not try something NEW!  So I got all dolled up and I mean the whole works make-up, lip gloss and a trendy comfortable outfit (p.s. which is the norm the new thing is coming up lol).

I looked great and was feeling so fantabulous I even gave myself a compliment lol!

 I was preparing myself for the date of my LIFE, and I couldn’t keep that special someone waiting. I jumped into my car and drove myself to the cinema and since I make it a habit to leave in a timely manner I was early. Who could complain about that? My punctuality provided me with the opportunity to touch up my lip gloss, and have a quick jam session in my car to calm my nerves.
I opened my car door and the breeze was refreshing as it hit my face and I inhaled and exhaled slowly and said to myself “you can do this, snap out of it and stop being nervous”.
I walked up to the box office and said to the attendant “a ticket for one please”

 I know some of you are probably thinking how could this be the date of my life?  Or why did I pay for my own ticket? Those are great questions and my response to both is very simple... I took myself on a SOLO DATE.  I treated the one and only… me, myself and I. That’s right; I also splurged on some rather tasty Swedish fish and ordered a large root beer.

 Sheer bliss to a woman’s tummy and mines was smiling in satisfaction. There I was in the cinema about to do something that I’ve NEVER done before…I don’t know why I didn’t do this sooner, I guess I was just one of those people that always seemed to have a date or go with a group of friends and if anyone were to reschedule I would just NOT go. To be honest, I just felt a bit weird about going alone.
 I walked through the doubled doors and selected my desired seat which is usually on the top level of a stadium seated theatre, positioned right in the middle of screen and not too high or low…it was just right. That very moment was liberating to me, I was in the theatre, about to watch this comedy and I looked to my left and my right…no one was seating next to me. Reality sunk in … I was really alone.

It’s funny how I didn’t seem to mind and the Swedish fish and root beer seemed to taste that much sweeter.
Challenge yourself if this is something you haven’t tried and do it! If this is not new for you then I encourage you to keep doing it. It’s nothing wrong with getting dolled up, picking the place of your choice and treating YOURSELF! Why not? It’s the month of love so why not love yourself right?
Solo dates are something I may do more frequently, this date left me feeling more confident, independent and the kicker is I had a blast… as I singed in my Celine Dion voice “All by myself”

I hope everyone has a blessed day and remember to love yourself...then you will be capable of loving others =)


  1. I have never went to the movies by myself. I dont know why, but that is going to change this year. Keep up the good work, Patricia!

  2. So as I was reading this I started to realize I'm not alone, no pun intended. I'm not the only girl that sometimes feels too alone and weird when I'm by myself, the company usually helps I figure it allows us to escape our thoughts and in essence I just realized we may be tryin to escape from ourselves. This blog help me to see that. I've never really wanted to escape from myself, I've actually always thought I was embracing myself. I'll try this, I'll ride SOLO, not just at home I think this time out will suit me much better I'll feel more confident and relax and that need or desire to always have someone around will minimize making me a whole lot more independent. great blog.
