Friday, June 24, 2011

I'M Back People!!


Sorry I havent left a post in...well let's just say a few months lol! Things have been a bit hetic with traveling, my cousin's wedding ( which was AMAZING! Congrats again to Latisha and Joe Guster!) and of course the job searching is still a MAIN FACTOR.

I just want to take this moment and say:

Dear Future Employer,

If you are out there and reading this post by all means do not hesitate to hire me. Please and Thank you! =)

well, I will definitely try harder to keep my blog post coming and hope you all enjoy what I have to say.

HAppy, Happy Friday to all and as always I want to leave on a great and positive note so I'll leave you all with this:

Focusing on the character of God
helps us to take our eyes off our circumstances.

Shall we indeed accept good from God, and shall we not accept adversity? —Job 2:10

Good or Bad trust in the LORD and he will bring you through
Happy Friday everyone =) AGAIN LOL!