Monday, January 31, 2011

Time For A Change...

One thing about the workforce today that has become quite bothersome to me is the fact that everything is sooo what’s the word… no longer interpersonal.
I remember some years ago you could walk into an office talk to the secretary or even the employer that was hiring IF you were lucky. They would give you an application, you would fill it out on the spot or bring it back and they would be able to associate your application with your face. Some cases you were offered a job within a few days if you made a good first impression which is EVERYTHING.

Now the process is completely different and I wonder was the change for the better?
Present day would go something like this…I would more than likely be greeted by a secretary but there will be no applications available to fill out, instead I would get this spill “Yes, we have positions available and what you should do is go to our website look at open positions and apply and if we are interested we will call you mmmm… how about Never!  Of course I may have embellished a bit on the website and such but you get my drift.
After visiting a bunch of company websites, going through creating profiles upon profiles, clicking the submit button and waiting.. I can’t help but wonder is my application being added to the heap of dusty unviewed resumes and applications?

 Then that evil little monster on my shoulder whispers “your resume is lost in the chaos, its voice is gone and the opportunity to see your face in an interview is slim to none.”

It’s a good thing that I’m not one to give up =) I figure what God has for me is for ME! It’s human nature to get disappointed or at times be inpatient but the more I learn patience the more confident I feel that when the time is right all this waiting will be WORTH it ALL

1 comment:

  1. I'm have been equally as frustrated with this new method. Many times I wonder if my resume is even viewed. The other part that frustrates me is the part where they say plz NO PHONE CALLS, we were taught that once you submit an application you are supposed to follow up to make sure it was received and as a general show of interest, now a days if you call it might very well count as a strike against you and who needs that in an already tough position (unemp,oyed and sending apps to )?
