Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Can we talk?

The question is can we talk? (no, I'm not talking about Tevin Campbell's Hit "Can we talk?" lol 

 Would you introduce me to your people? Would you have your people call my people so they could in turn call me? You must be thinking…would she stop with the questions already? Ok, ok, ok =) just making a point that if there is anything that I have learned in the real world it’s not what you know it’s WHO you know and quite frankly I need to know more people.

 That is exactly why I created this blog to connect with others that may share the same struggle of job searching (let’s face it, I’m not the ONLY one in this predicament but at times it sure feels that way).
President Obama even acknowledges that the world has changed in The State of the Union speech last night. He addressed that one of the main issues is providing jobs for the American people. Knowing that I'm not in this boat alone provides me with some comfort but at the same time a sense of urgency to make myself stand out in the crowd.

The one thing that keeps me going is having faith that God will provide, things will improve and landing a job will be the ending result.

 I’m here to network, network, and network! So, aren’t you interested in getting to know me? So, if you know somebody that knows somebody that is willing to give this talented individual a chance…then what are you waiting for?…LETS TALK  

Don’t forget to share my blog on your blogs, Facebook, twitter, MySpace or just spread the word even if it’s by word of mouth.
Hope you have a great day and for all those job seekers out there …happy job searching!


  1. It is indeed who you know that counts. I'm trying to get to know those ppl too. The job searching section of the 'real world' has taken on a life of its own, whoever envisioned that it would take this long or be so hard? When you're in school and you hear the 'real world' is tough you never dream it can be this tough on you, you think "oh it cant be so bad" but now I'm saying "real world plz cut me some slack" lol.

  2. @chris I def understand how you feel and don't worry we just have to keep faith that GOD will provide when the time is right. Keep it up and don't give up
